Saturday, February 22, 2014

Divine Photography Productions

DSLR is not the only product that can produce great shots, sometimes a situation demands something compact. Back in London Olympics a photographer used her iphone 4s to cover the events and then got published in BBC. Faizan Ul Haq is one of the very few people who like to experiment with different types of cameras.
Born in the early 90s technology grew up with him, he found himself a hobby when he got a cellphone that had a camera, clicking his way thru his teens he quickly picked up on other tools of trade, photoshop, lighting and lens. Unlike most teenagers he spent most of his time understanding his camera and how to make the best use out of it, whatever he learned from an online tutorial he made it his priority to test it in the field and soon he knew the right mixes to make an image stand out. Faizan took up photography as his majors when he started college, according to him the key to survival lies in innovation, education and experimentation. He was furious when we asked him what does he thinks about the newbees who have flooded the market in recent times, to him photography is more then just a profession he considers it a part of him so according to him he feels stepped on when he sees someone who does not respect this pious field, most of the people who he has worked with have attested to the fact that he goes bonkers when someone without proper understanding of their camera tries to take pictures, he would hand out tips for free whenever he can to those who are fresh in the field in hopes that they someday would get better and help the industry grow. So all you freshies out there if you want some quality advice this guy is your goto guru in times of despair but be careful he is blunt and honest.
A guy lighting a cigrette

A bottle in sand

Tides on the shore

A log rotting

a flower ready to blossom

A boy jumping in a pool of water

A Man sitting thinking

A sunset
Contact Details
Phone:  03324586665

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