Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mahha Umer Fotography

Its always good to see young people who full of enthusiasm, this special feature is not for a professional photographer this is just to remind all the pros that watch out the youth is full of energy, they might lack your experience but they make up for that with there creativity and if you don't up your game every few years these kids would give you a run for your money.
Light cutting thru the leaves

A young girl with dreams of capturing every passing memory into the capsule, Mahha shoots with her cellphone, capturing the moments in her life that are important to her and sharing them with the world, to her photography is not an art but a way of life. Born in the last decade of 20th century she grew up in the beautiful city of Lahore where she first realised how important it is to have memories, as she progressed in life she started clicking and then she got the opportunity to move to the Capital itself, which has no parallel in Pakistan. The twin cities made her fall in deeper in love with her passion. She is currently studying business in Quaid E Azam university but she plans to take up another masters for photography in the future to pursue her passion on a professional level. We wish her best of luck for the future and hope that one day we will get to see her field.

Sun rising from the easta shrine stands tall between the trees

The yellow leaves of autumn

A Rose standing lone on a roof

A Street Vendor selling Fruits

Fancy colored truck on its journey

A Shrine with its bright colors

A Shrine standing tall with its mughal era mosaics

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