Monday, February 17, 2014

Sana Sultan Photography

its always good to see a fresh face behind the lens someone with bright new ideas and full of energy. Sana Sultan has not been around for long but her clicks clearly say otherwise, she picked up her camera at an early age but kept her work to herself it was only last year that she stepped in the industry challenging the pros and she truly has proven her worth.
A girl dancing on the floor

Paparazi a pet name she earned early in life from her phuppo really shows how eager she was and is to click, her camera was always with her she kept perfecting her craft as she progressed in life taking up courses from different institutes and traded skills with friends. Over the period she has had the chance of capturing a lot from deepak pirwanis launch to private closed events but the ones that made to her favourite list would be BUDHA BAR which was a party organised by "MALC (Mary Adelaide Leprosy Centre)", some potraits for N-Pro and "lollipop and laddus" female partner wedding event.
A model posing for the camera
N-Pro Model Shoot

She likes to experiment with her craft and that is exactly what her advice is too newbees, in her own words "do experimental work, build a good portfolio, never say no to any work even if its for a minimum cost and market yourself well because it is a very important factor in this business." She herself have ventured into the hardest areas of her craft and proven her worth, food photography is always challenging and even the pros with years on their hands cannot do it right but she seems to have captured the right essence and flavours with her camera.

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1 comment:

  1. Sana your work is absolutely stunning - Best of luck with your endeavours!
