Saturday, March 29, 2014

Aiesh Photography

Its often passion that makes a person pick photography as a career that is exactly what happened with Aiesh. With her love for weddings she found herself at a loss of words whenever she started describing how beautiful they are so one day she decided to pick a camera and let it do the talking.

With her gift for story telling she mostly enjoys clicking portraits specially kids and families because they offer a unique set of emotions and expressions but weddings are her home front and she makes sure she shoots one every now and then. 2012 was the year she finally decided to go pro, armed with a DSLR she started her journey in the world of big leagues. She met a few hurdles in the start with some doors locked and others asking for innovation but she came through with her passion and will, kicking down every obstacle. With the cost of camera and equipment going down she feels that now a need for professional training and guidance has arisen more then it ever was needed. She wants to share her experience with others and hopes that some day she would be one of the leading authorities on photography as an art and profession.

Contact Details
Phone: 0323 4600533

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