Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lens & Moment

Its always a wonder how some people will go above and beyond to fulfill there dreams. Such is the case with this young energetic gentlemen who unfortunately didn't got a chance to pursue photography as majors but he still managed to acquire the skills that are required.

Born in 1985, Hunzukutz Kahn had a dream. He wanted to be a photographer, nature appealed to him and he felt that its his duty to capture the beauty of the fleeing moments so that the generations that are yet to come can witness the might of mother nature but sadly he couldn't get in NCA but he never gave up, he quickly adjusted his goals and found himself a mentor. An NCA graduate who groomed him, showed him how to create stunning visuals with nothing more then a few lens a simple camera. Being a quick learner he was soon in the league of PROs and now after 5 years his shots are remarkable.
His list of accomplishments is quite lengthy but the one we think needs highlighting is the one when he was amongst the 25 finalists for tribune aerial shot competition. He sees the industry heading in the unknown, with the technology advancing at a wild pace and with high rate of adoption he can't really predict the future but what ever happens he knows that photography as an art is going to stay, maybe the way it is done will change but the field will be there.

A cyclist on an empty road

An Army Officer Sitting By A Fire

An Army Chopper

Long Exposure


Two Boats on A RIver

A Burning Candle

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