Monday, February 24, 2014

SAS Shoots

Its always great when u see a photographer who isn't shy of admitting that he/she learned by observing works of the famous artists from around the globe. With passion driving them SAS has a theory that every shot needs to be different and they achieve that by playing with a mixture of settings.
A Beautiful shot of an old building at night

Believing in the theory slow and steady, Syed Ali Sajjad is proving himself with most of his shots in the dark. He picked up a camera and started his journey just a year back, learning from tutorials he inched his way up the photography graph. His love for nature got him into this field and now this field has given him a chance to  be close nature, his hungry eyes are always looking for an opportunity that can be cashed. His style is somewhat different because he prefers to take shots when its darker and that adds a hint of class to them. His advice to new emerging photographers is to experiment, he believes this art form requires innovation on every level and if a person is too scared to utilise his equipment to the maximum then that person should not be in this line of work.

A guitar

A jeep in the foreground adding depth to a beautiful scene

Pink sky

A beautiful click when the sun is setting

A tree with snow

Contact Details
Phone: 0315 5115456

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