Monday, April 21, 2014

ZA Photography

When passion drives a person, what they create is truly a masterpiece. Z. A Photography is the house of Creations when it comes to pictures, with the ever growing competition is hard to be exceptional but Z A truly is a studio which stands out. Night photography seems to be their strongest suite and it really is an inspiration how they make it look alive.

Zainab Aamir is quite young but her skill set is exceptional, she started photography 4 years ago learning the basics from her Dad and then blossomed under her sister. Looking back it seems like yesterday when she first started and at that time it felt impossible to be at such a stage but now she is confident that she will in the future be one of the best Pakistan has seen. She drew inspiration from her surroundings, the beautifully dressed women, the colorful buses and the culture, everything appealed to her and she felt that someone needs to tell the tale of this city so she picked her camera and started clicking.
A photographer needs to respect their equipment and Zainab learned this lesson the hard way, she recalls how once she was at an event but before instead of checking her battery she simply fired up her gear, it was not long before it gave up because the juice ran out and she missed an event which was worth capturing. She tries her best to keep the shot natural and advises others to do the same, its the natural look that enhances the beauty.
A good picture is a blend of good subject, good lighting and a good photographer, deduct one thing and you will have a disaster. Creativity is the key to photography so a photographer needs to understand the shot before they take it, sometimes even the easiest of the clicks can be a disaster if the photographer fails to imagine it.

Contact Details
Phone: 021-34552440