Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Abdul Mutlib's Art and Photography

Born and raised in Lahore, Abdul Mutlib has had a fantastic life his parents understood his art and his teachers bucked him up. Using digicams and mobile cameras he grew fond of this art and now after years of practice with them he shoots with a dslr hoping to capture things at the right moment.
a mughal era park
Not your average wedding photographer, Abdul Mutlib has a taste for architecture photography, lets talk with him and find out who he really is and how he sees himself as a photographer

Q. How old are you?
A. Just a few months shy of 23

Q. How long ago did you started your journey as a photographer?
A. I  have been shooting all my life but i started doing it professionally in 2007 at that time i used a digicam and last year i came out of the box and got myself a dslr.

Q. Have you taken up any courses or are you one of the self taught ones too?
A. Well I wont call myself amongst the ones who were self taught, to be honest i dont know if i can call YOUTUBE my teacher but thats where i learned from. Other sites like google helped me understand the equipment and then there were these amazing photographers who taught me by sharing there work on the internet, some were extremely helpful and shared data and tips with me when i messaged them.

Q. Any regrets?
A. Yes many but i don't let any of them hold me back. The biggest would be the family opposition i faced when i wanted to join art school the saddest part is i lost. But having said that i don't really have time to sit and weep i try my best to move ahead and let the past be past.

Q. Any suggestions for others?
A. Always follow your dreams, chase them into the unknown and beyond. Life is worth nothing if you cant do what you want and know it in your head that its never too late to try.

a kid sleeping in a gap on the brick wall of the castle

an old man coming out of a shrine

sun setting behind the flowers

a child on the cold street

A mosaic on the roof and a chandelier

a man praying in a mosque

two old men admiring the interior of badshahi mosque

a kid selling balloons

a monument of pakistan movement in lahore

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