Thursday, February 27, 2014

Abdullah Khan-(abbi) Photography

Abdullah Khan has been shooting for a living for some time now, his father became his inspiration and was mentored by some of the best names in the industry. He owes most of his good shots to his third eye which helps him create a shot before he takes it. Lets talk to him and find out a little more about him.
A beautiful model with amazing eyes

Q. How old are you?
A. Well that's a tough question lets just say i'm a few years shy of 30

Q. When did you first picked up a camera and decided to be a photographer?
A. My father is a hobbyist who loves photography and as u know apples don't fall far from the tree. I was quite young when i got a camera in my hand then as i grew i started liking the field and in 2010 i finally made up my mind and said to myself that its what i want to do as a profession.

Q. Did you took photography as a subject at a school or is it all you?
A. Well i would be lying if i say it was all me but no i didn't took it as a subject either. My father taught me the basics and then i got mentored by some of the best names in the industry, Irfan Sheikh from the Bling Studios taught me some of the basics of how to handle a dslr and make the best use out of what i had then over the period I have had opportunities of  learning a trick or two from other legends in our industry.

Q. Any regrets?
A. No not at all infact i love my work. What most people dont know about this line of work is that we photographers are a tight community, we share ideas, socialize and even market each other for us its a way of life and we like to keep our lot close. When i first came in i didn't knew much people but over the years i made new friends and now they are a part of my family.

Q.Any advice for those who are new?
A. Dont be afraid of failing, i consider us lucky because back in the day photographer had to wait for hours before they can see there shot but now with the digital age we can rectify our mistakes immediately so use this to your advantage. Keep yourself positive, take the critique when it comes positivity and grow because only a viewer can judge your work, if you try to do it yourself you will find yourself doing a lot of work with little to no appreciation and lastly be open to new ideas.

Q. So according to you what's the right mix to a good photo? A good face, good lighting or a mixture of both?
A. Every face is beautiful you just have to see its beauty. A good photo is a mix of good lighting, right framing and loads of creativity. The camera is just a tool but your head is where the image forms so analyse the setting before hand and make sure you have everything where you need it to be.

A Beautiful shot of murree rooftops

A structure shaped as domes in islamabad at a park

A beautiful interior of an old building

A desi ritual where the bride and groom sit together

A man fixing the light while the model poses to be shot

a beautiful shot of a stream

A photographer posing as a member of annonymous

Contact Details
Phone: 0322-2715787


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