Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ashie's Clicks

Its always a pleasure writing a blog post for someone who is young, this particular individual is in his early twenties but has been clicking for some time now and has taken a few shots that are worth more then a thousand words. We typically avoid photographers and there portfolio shoots but Ashie has proven his worth by making the models look amazing.
A young girl posing for the camera
It was 2009 when Ashie clicks came in to existence, the idea behind it was simple capture the fleeing moments of life and preserve them for the future. Starting as a hobbyist Ashie picked up the camera at an early age, mobile photography was where he found his love for digital images then with time he felt the need to upgrade the tool, first came the slr then came the dslr and today he has everything a professional should have from out door equipment to a range of lenses. With creativity in his blood his shoots are often conceptual and his models often annoyed because they find themselves at loss when he is directing them though all of them admit that no matter as weird and naive his settings seem at the time of the shoot when they go in print they tell a tale that worth every look they get. Nature has always had a strong impression on him so he prefers shooting outdoor in his words "nothing offers framing better then nature", he often avoid wedding shoots only taking them once in a while to keep his bread on the table because to him they lack the flexibility he gets from the nature and the models but then again he has had luck with some couples who were more then willing to follow his instructions and now they show off those pictures to everyone with pride giving him all the credit for making there wedding one of the most memorable events of their lives.
His advice for new talent is simple keep things natural, the closer they are to reality the better. Using the surroundings as frames is extremely important and the colors need to be as close of a match as they can be so that the viewer can connect with the picture, in his opinion you loose your viewers attention when they cant connect with the photo it doesnt really have to be a subject who they connect with though it can be anything even a tiny pebble on the ground but there should be something that connects them to it. Creativity is the key to a good photo, never look for a model who looks amazing but instead look for someone who is ordinary, follows instruction and has depth in her expressions.
A bride holding onto her groom

a model with a flushed expression
a bride in black and white

a model posing with a tree

a bride taking charge of her grooms life

for you a thousand times over

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