Friday, February 28, 2014

Jaffris Photography

Its usually outsider who influence photographers to join the industry but some people are lucky and find the inspiration at home. Syed Fawad Jaffri is one of those few very lucky ones who got a chance to experience professional photography at a very early age, his father owned a photo studio in which he saw pictures come to life since his childhood igniting the flame of passion in him to be behind the lens one day like his old man
Pair of legs with colored socks

Taking inspiration from his father's passion for photography, Syed Fawad Jaffri picked up a DSLR in june 2012 and began his journey. With a experienced father like his he quickly learned the craft, his father taught him all the things he needed to be the best in the game while every shot was critiqued by him which led Fawad to learn how to see the real details that make it a good one. Working hard to makes his dreams come true, he has won first prize at 'Mazdur' ( A photography exhibition, IBA all over Pakistan) in May 2013. His passion is what fuels him and he wants to be at the top of his game, with his eyes set at other photographers he is continuously upping his game.
He feels safe when he talks about his future with his father's expertise and his own passion fueling him he sees himself amongst the best in the future. To the new lot who are starting all he has to say is that its better to first understand your equipment and take a few lessons for photography before they start, its like every other profession you learn the basics from books but then its experience which helps you prosper and reach the top.
His friends often praise his knack for angles which according them makes his shots stand out, check them and decide for yourself.

a bride with a lump of butter on her hand


Bride sitting with her groom, a huge ring on her hand

a man drinking water from a bottle while someone pours it

a bride in tea pink and blue

a guitarist playing

sun setting in the horizon

Contact Details


  1. The world could benefit from more photographers who invest their hearts and souls into perfecting their crafts. Photographers who make people the core of their artwork, striving to capture humanity in action as opposed to producing static, lifeless images that leave one wondering how people manage to endure lives so void of any excitement are few and far between.

    For the past two years, Fawad has been lucky to be the home of one of those rare photographers who make it their personal goal to capture the emotion and personality inherent in all that they photograph.

    In Short I must say , he is Born Photographer (Born Artist)

    Some Best wishes for the little excellent photographer and thank you for capturing my pictures too
    I wish you Wisdom to choose
    I wish you Light to avoid the blur
    I wish you Love so you can make people smile
    I wish you Happiness in the eyes of your subjects
    I wish you Bravery to go places that you have never been
    I wish you Time, enough to capture moments worth keeping
    I wish you Patience to be able to see the beauty of nature around
    I wish you Camera that is always ready , on your side with right lens
    I wish you marvelous Guidance so you can get where you want and be safe
    … and above all I wish you and your family HEALTH
    so you can do all the things I did wish you first
