Saturday, March 1, 2014

Fictitious Photography

Born and bred in Karachi, this particular photographer has had a taste of some of the best things this city has to offer, he often finds himself helpless and clicks a shot because he cant resist the temptation of preserving the beautiful moments this city has to offer. His ideology is different to him its the equipment that matters, in his words " if you dont have an expensive dslr forget about professionalism"
a can of malt from murree burree

Still in his teens, Bilal Arif is a true patron of urban life to him its all about materialism and his goals are to represent that urban landscape in his work. You would often find him clicking at Do Darya on sundays as the racers dash against each other. His style might be unorthodox and his philosophy different then most but he is one of those who take their work very seriously, he doesn't takes a dime for social events its only weddings that he charges for that too only for the expenses incurred on his behalf because he believes he is not qualified enough to actually be paid for the work. Being a part of generation Z he was raised with tech, his first camera was a 8mp point and shoot which gave him a hang of photography and then with time he progressed to a pro cam.
He learned how to handle a camera himself and then chased veterans for tips to improve. Extremely confident in his work he has no worries when it comes to his future he believes that he will achieve the limits and breaking the barriers with his work when the right time comes.
a model posing while the background is full of night lights

a model posing in front of the lights giving the illusion of eating them

a cat

a camera resting on teh ground

a super car ready to race

super cars making there way to the course

a guitarist playing a guitar

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