Thursday, March 13, 2014


Photography as a profession pays good but their are those who take it as a hobby too. People who dont want to earn their breads and butter from it but instead they are driven by the passion that rests inside them, the desire to express and the responsibility of doing something.

Born in the city of lights, it was their first mobile that proved to be the camera for them, clicking their way through the narrow streets they soon learned that the inner child in them wanted to express itself by means that required more then just words and photography gave that child a voice that was much needed. Learning on their own they have travelled quite some distance, from the days when shots were blurry now they have excelled the art of dark room photography and dont really mind playing with architecture.
To all the photographers out their they keenly advise to keep clicking because this is the only way they think we as a nation can promote ourselves to the world as a nation thats soft and gentle, the colors of celebration in Pakistan show how we as a nation can rise beyond our petty disputes and when hardship befall on us we are ready to join hands.\

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