Friday, March 7, 2014

Faisal Hashmi Photography

It takes a lot more than an expensive camera to be a professional photographer, years of hard work, learning and dedication is needed for someone to use to use a dslr to its true potential. Faisal celebrated his 23rd birthday this year but he has had over half a decade to play with a camera and his work is something worth looking at.

Faisal Hashmi started his journey in the world of photography when he started college, a digital point and shoot became his best friend and he started finding reasons to click pictures. He got his DSLR last year and has been in love with it ever since, clicking every time he gets the chance too. Its a funny story how he got into photography, according to him he never wanted to be in this line of work but one day someone asked him to do a shoot and he said yes after the assignment ended well he found himself surrounded by people who wanted to hire him.
Youtube helped him get a hang of his craft while online tutorials added the finesse he was looking for and when he dried up everything the teachers had to offer he revisited his old works and spent time analyzing them. He thinks the industry will evolve even further in the coming decade and we will have a pool of amazing people at our disposal.

Contact Details
Phone: 0321 3869757

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