Monday, March 10, 2014

J. Hussain Photography and Digital Work

When a person is driven by an urge, that person accomplishes new highs. Jahangir Ali Hussain is a passionate young man who has had the desire of capturing beautiful things that he has around him and present them to the world. Studying to be an animator his desire to be the best is quite admirable and he is not just good with pixels he has a way of capturing moments too.

Hussain has always had a love for photography but he never thought he would do it professionally but when he started his university and choose media sciences he bought his first DSLR. At first it seemed like a sunk investment because understanding the working of a DSLR were hard and he couldn't understand the point of having a DSLR over a point and shoot but being a curious person he choose to give this piece of equipment that came recommended a shot. Going through the tutorials it quickly dawned on him that if he wanted his work to stand out he needs to make DSLR a part of his equipment.
Spending over 2 years in the field he still havent had his best shot yet and he thinks he wont have it for a long time to come as well, to him its about challenging ones own work and then out besting themselves. To him learning is an experience that should never end and thats what he is doing, after every class he takes on photography he fires up the internet and spends time researching on the topic trying to learn everything there is on the topic.

Contact Details
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