Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sidra.M photography

A girl with a vision, thats what we felt when we went through her page. Armed with a cellphone camera and a point and shoot, she is a photographer in the making. Nearly at the end of her teens she has taken some mesmerizing shots and we can only imagine what her photography be like if she had a DSLR.
Being a Libra she has all what it takes to be a photographer i.e sociable, expressive and most importantly risk taker. Spending her life living in KSA she has had the opportunity of meeting and seeing people from all cultures which gave her the inspiration to follow her dreams of photography. Without any professional training she has been taking these amazing shots for quite some time now and hopefully in the future she will be able to do it professional. Waliya Najeeb and Irfan Abson have been a source of inspiration for her, watching them work has made her realize how expressive photography really is and what she can do if she had a chance to do so.
As time flies past her she tries to juggle thru her life and photography but mostly its the life that wins and the photography pays the toll. Ambition fueling her she wants to excel in photography and wishes to be a professional wedding photographer or a journalist someday.

1 comment:

  1. Well done sidra!! it is absolutely amazing!! Cheers :)
