Thursday, February 5, 2015

Maleeha Image Solutions

One of the best things about photography is that its open to everyone, with digital cameras readily available and advancements in the technology over the years it is far easier today to be a photographer then it was a few decades ago. Maleeha Furqan was studying graphic design when she stumbled upon photography as a subject but then she couldn't stop.

 Born in Multan a little over 24 years ago, she operates currently out of Lahore. She started her journey as a photography in 2011 and what made her keep doing it was her love for nature. A passionate person by nature, she always loved how the colors in nature came together to create an image that was always unique and inspirational but she never really thought preserving it until she got her hands on a camera. Armed with a spirit of an Ox, she took on the challenge to show the world what her country was really like and obviously the people. What started as a simple project soon changed her way of seeing things and within no time she found herself working full time with a camera and then it was only logical to make it her profession. 
What makes Maleeha's work stand out is her diversity, every photographer seems to have a signature style something they have common in every shot but when you look through Maleeha's work you would find yourself in awe, she is clearly someone who isn't afraid to experiment and she has something new to offer in every shot. Even a simple portrait by her has an aura to it which makes one wonder if the subject is telling a tale. Being a woman in a country like Pakistan can be tough but Maleeha proved herself over the years as a strong individual who is keen to change not just how things are done but where they are done, her most treasured trait is her will and that is what she often says to the her juniors. People tend to talk and they will keep doing it no matter what a person does, so she says that its best to let them do the later rather then stopping and trying to stop them because in this country you would be only wasting your time. Half of them have already made up their mind about you and the rest don't care what the truth is all they need is someone to talk about. Set your bars high is what she says and then when you are halfway their set it higher, blur the negativity in your life and focus on the good no matter how tiny it is that is where the energy lies and even if its a speck of dust its energy is far greater then a mountain of negativity all you need to do is set your eyes on it and then embrace it.
A good photograph is not the one which has a perfect balance but is the one which has a tale to tell, as an art student she knows the value of telling tales and that is what she tries to do. With million of pictures being taken every minute she knows that the only way to stand out is to offer the world a view that is unique and content. Generating that content needs vision, an eye which is always searching for a unique moment, a brain that is hungry to make connections that would ordinarily be neglected or forgotten and lastly a belief that nothing is impossible. She has a few plans for the future but time has a will of its own and that is why she often refrains from stating what exactly her hopes are concerning the future but she did say that she is going to continue photography and will keep telling the tales that she has grown to love.
a bride, dressed in a desi attire

a bride wearing her ear ring

a doll sitting besides a candle

An old couple sitting on a pavement

a birdseye view of a couple as they face each other

a macro of a brides face

a close up of a bride's hand. Full of gold bangles and a rings with henna

Contact Details

Phone: 0321 3877226

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