Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Eman's Clickography

Dedicated to Eman's Beautiful Sister Hafsa
In her first year of teens, Eman is a young girl who is full of passion and desire, with just a digicam she has jumped in the field of photography and is doing what she loves. We feel honored when we such aspiring artists featured on our blog, they might not have the best shots but they have something which we cherish the most their desire to grow.
A young girl fixing her hat while facing the wall
Born in the beautiful city of Islamabad, Eman had inspiration all around her. Growing up in the era of tech she quickly found her way to pages of photography geniuses from all over Pakistan, some of the artists that got her attention included Waliya Najib, Nataliya Khan, Maha Khan and Rida Shah. Seeing their work she grew fond of photography and found a desire in her to be amongst them, with her fathers support who is a photography lover himself she quickly got hold of a digital camera. To her photography is more then just a hobby, its an art, a form of self expression and a voice.
She believes its important to feel the moment before it is captured and thats what she does, taking her time to take the shot she lets herself get lost in the surrounding, blending in her subjects and camouflaging herself so that the subject can no longer feel her which then results in a shot thats alive. She loves nature and thats where she is headed, she wants take photography as a subject and learn how to present mother nature in her best poses so that the world can see the beauty that is hidden in her country.
A Flower Blossoming

A Rose with dew on it

A tree standing tall with the stars

A Tree standing tall

Mount everest with snow on it

a rose in different poses

Contact Details
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/emansclickography Instagram: emansohail1

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