Saturday, March 22, 2014

Salz Clicks

The most appealing nature of photography as a profession is that its gender neutral which has given the females in Pakistan a chance to shine, expressing their creativity visually. Saleha Jamil is such an individual who choose to showcase her creativity in a manner that it became an inspiration for a lot of photographers.
A little over 20, Saliha has been going strong for the past 4 years ever since she laid her hands on the camera she can't seem to keep it down. With her tiresome scheduele it is often hard for her to juggle it but she still manages to click a few shots a month. Her father was once a professional so she was lucky enough to get basic training from him but the rest was her own doing, she used flicker as inspiration and challenged herself to be as good as the flicker community. 
With new clickers popping everyday she sees the industry evolving and feels that soon Pakistani's will take over the world of photography but what ticks her off are the novices with heavy grade DSLR's, to her those are a problem for the industry. They have the right equipment but without proper understanding or training they are saturating the market plus the customer is loosing confidence in the average shooters.

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