Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sam Ash Photography

Sanam Ashraf Khan the owner of Sam Ash Photography is a true gemini, with her vivacious personality and positive attitude she feel confident when she calls her photography her ART. Still in her twenties, Sanam has a long way to go in terms of experience and excellence but in the past decade she has proven herself worthy enough to be handling a camera and capturing the unforgettable moments of life.

 It was her school where she started her journey in the world of freezing moments, she and her faithful Canon spent days and months together. To her the world is beautiful and she thinks it would be a shame if others cannot see it so to show the world what a colorful world so after waiting a while for someone to show it to the world she came to a conclusion that it would be best if she did it herself.
Looking back at the time when she got her first DSLR she smiles to herself, back then a DSLR sounded insanely hard and complex, even the hardware it came with took a while to be in place but now DSLR is like an extension of her own soul or body. With her curiosity driving her she quickly started learning about the fascinating field of photography, taking up courses to understand how she can improve her skills and reading articles to understand the true meaning of freezing memories.
As a gemini regrets are a rarity but she feels saddened when she asks herself why did she took so long to enter the field, what if she had gotten into it a little earlier maybe her skill set would have higher.
Like the people who taught her photography she feels obliged to share her experience, enterprise and advice with the newbees. She often finds herself explaining to the newbies that its not about the equipment that you have but its the angles and the focus that matters, a high end lens will not yield results unless the photographer behind it understands it. Relying on editors is something that pushes most photographers out of the industry, the results might be good but it kills the essence behind photography as an art so keep the editing to the minimum. Like every other profession, photography needs a hierarchy where the younger lot needs to respect the older one so that the process of learning and education can run smoothly.
In short the key to a Successful photographer is Patience, Persistence and Experimenting.

Contact Details:
Phone: 0331 3766418

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